Realtor’s view of WaMu/Chase

Heres WaMu from a realtor’s perspective – gumming up the works in a short sale. (link) For the record WaMu/Chase may be the worst as noted by the realtor, but they certainly aren’t the only bank holding second mortgages that are killing short sales with unrealistic expectations.

How far can they push it?

It sure seems like Chase is fishing around to see what they can get away with. For instance, are they raising minimum payment amounts from 2% to 5% to get people to default so they will have more cause to raise interest rates? (articlearticle, and article)

US Supreme Court ruling

An important milestone happened on Monday – the US Supreme court made a rulling that will effect States ability to regulate Federally chartered banks, like Chase. The moral of this story is it may be time to start complaining to your State’s Attorey General and Department of Consumer Affairs.

Why to join a credit union

look at reasons for joining a credit union instead of a bank.

WaMu free checking commercial

Old WaMu free checking overdraft commercial reminds us of something that never really existed – WaMu waiving an overdraft.

Blogger appeals to Attorney General and Senator for help again Chase

It may not work, but you must admire this blogger for trying to get help against Chase for raising his minimum required payment by contacting his states Attorney General and Senator.

Trial modifications

Chase is claiming to have approved 138,000 trial mortgage modifications since April 9th. This sounds like a lot but will someone explain to me what a trial modifications is? (article)

Least helpful bank with loan modifications

This heartbreaking story seems to confirm WaMu/Chase’s ranking as least helpful with loan modifications.

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