Don’t stand for it!
All banks are trying to milk their credit card customers for as much as they can to make up for record defaults. Don’t stand for it!
All banks are trying to milk their credit card customers for as much as they can to make up for record defaults. Don’t stand for it!
WaMu branches may look like Chase now, but under the hood they don’t seem to be yet. One customer tried to deposit a check into a Chase account at a WaMu branch; it had to get mailed to a “real” Chase branch for deposit. (link)
Sigh. It just doesn’t seem to be getting any better at WaMu/Chase. Peter had a nightmare of a time trying to clean up the mess from attempting to use his debit card for a large purchase . (story)
John hated Chase and left for WaMu. Now he finds himself back with Chase, which charges him overdraft fees even when he has sufficient funds in his account. (story)
Chase expects to write off between 18% & 25% of the WaMu credit card portfolio. Imagine the fees they need to charge you to make up for this (this doesn’t look good). (article)
One commenter who thought WaMu had decent customer service before, claims it has gone downhill severely since Chase took over.
Apparently, a lot of people are not happy with Chase jacking up their credit card rates. (blog and see entry above)
From the bizarre but true department, Chase’s collection agency threatened a customers daughter on MySpace. (article)