Good credit card customers don’t make banks money
When Chase closes your credit card account because you don’t make them enough money, why don’t they just say so, rather than saying you are too high of a credit risk when it just isn’t true. (story)
When Chase closes your credit card account because you don’t make them enough money, why don’t they just say so, rather than saying you are too high of a credit risk when it just isn’t true. (story)
One shocking thing I come across almost weekly is the simply ridiculous number of times some Chase branch somewhere is robbed. Here is one, two, and three robberies just this week alone! For all that I like to point out the failings of Chase Bank, my best wishes go out to Chase employees to keep out of harms way.
Sounds like a movie, doesn’t it.
One Chase customer got 29 overdraft charges in 27 days. For the life of him, he can’t figure out why. All this happened on October, and he received 7 overdrafts in one day despite Chase’s announce in late September that they would stop charging more than 6 per day. A close analysis of his deposits versus his debits may be the smoking gun that proves that Chase micromanages deposits and debits to maximize overdraft fees.
Finally some good news having to do with Chase. As a fan of the iPhone, I can say I am a little bit jealous that Chase now has an iPhone app, which has gotten at least one good review. I love my bank, but an iPhone app would be nice.
Ouch! Another Chase teller arrested for stealing money from a customers account.
This is odd: One Chase customer reports that Chase collections have been calling him and immediately hanging up. They then write whatever made-up notes about the call that didn’t happen they want. (story)
(Don’t forget to turn your clock back 1 hour) My favorite recent Twitter search results for “chase sucks”: “Geocities called. Even they think your site sucks.” 🙂 The most common complaint found there seems to be how much people dislike Chase’s online interface. It is hard to measure, but it seems like the volume of “chase sucks” tweets has gone up dramatically in the last couple of months. In one tweet, someone actually counted the number of tweets for an against Chase (12 for vs 294 against).