Chase down again

Readers are reporting another outage this morning that has lasted several hours.  The login screen as of now appears active and I can’t test it as I am not a Chase customer.  One reader reported being redirected to this page.

With Chase, customers often fall through the cracks

Like this customer:

I am a 60 year old disabled person. On March 13, 2012, i opened a checking account online at because I can not drive. I had my daughter to deposit all of my $9,100.00+ disability check at the local branch, which chase accepted with a standard smile. Next day I wanted to pay a bill, but my account was blocked. I called chase at 1-877-691-8086 and they said I had to come to the branch. On March 14, 2012 my daughter took time off work to drive me to the branch at 1380 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691, 916-373-9357. At the branch I had my passport, CA id, social security card etc. The branch manager said that all of those documents are not enough, and that I have to go to the social security office and get a letter from them that the social security number on my ss card is really my number; and then MAYBE CHASE will be able to unlock the account. The manager said that CHASE CAN NOT RETURN me my checks either. So, CHASE STOLE MY MONEY, I HAVE NO MONEY TO SPEND OR PAY BILLS WITH! I COULD NOT SLEEP ALL NIGHT LONG! I do not have anyone to drive me now to the social security office and wait for me half a day and then drive to CHASE to just get MY money back from CHASE. Opening a simple checking account should not be such a disaster!

Chase iPhone apps crazy deposit limits

A reader writes:

Chase Bank has been advertising it’s iPhone App all over TV.  What a wonderful thing technology is.  However, they have restrictions on the app that are not disclosed to customers… or even written down anywhere. Their policy for making deposits using the application (“QuickDeposit” sm) is you can deposit $2000 per day per account and up to $5000 per month per account.” It seems silly to limit deposits but that’s not the issue. The issue is they set these limits “per MONTH.” A person of reasonable intelligence might believe this might mean March 1-31, for example.  But no. Chase doesn’t mean this. You might think this means your statement cycle date, i.e. 2/14 – 3/14. But no they don’t mean this either. Seems Chase has made up some “arbitrary” 30-day period based on when you might have last used their application. This is not disclosed ANYWHERE. It is not on their website, not in an info packet in any branch and not even in the service agreement or terms of use for the application.
They just made it up.  It is extremely misleading for consumers and I would think that a financial institution regulated by the federal government would be a lot more keen on disclosures to customers. Who would remember the “last date” they used the application and whether or not any previous deposit amounts might have been at or near the arbitrary $5000 deposit limit?

Is chase doing this to outsmart potential crook without considering its ability to frustrate customers?

A dog’s view of Chase