We’re still here

It’s been a long while since our last post. We actively posted almost 1200 times from 2005 to 2015, to help bring to light the bad behavior of Washington Mutual Bank and then their successor Chase. A lot of really unsavory stuff. But at some point, as the recovery started to blossom and we received fewer stories of despair from readers, we got a little tired of blogging. But there were plenty of good reason to leave the site up.

And we’re glad we did, given the email we got this morning from reader Tim.

A foreign airline canceled my flights due to Covid-19 and said it would take a least four months to get a refund, which meant of course, never. Chase disputes department received a deceptive response to my dispute from the merchant. Chase then denied my claim despite my explaining in detail, with documentation, that the merchant was misleading them. But it was like trying to explain something to a door. Chase again denied my dispute and I thought that I had permanently lost a lot of money. It hurt.

I searched Google for a Chase ombudsman and another search string that I cannot recall. I eventually came across your website with the Chase executive office contact information. I called, they investigated and in the end I received a full credit because the disputes department investigator made a mistake. In reality he/she was too lazy and too lacking in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills to understand a simple concept.

So, were it not for your website, I would have been out a lot of money. The executive assistant that helped me was awesome. 

So a big thanks for putting this site together. It makes a difference.

We are glad we could help.