After all these years, Chase still causing trouble

A reader writes:

I can’t even write out everything here, because it’s a story THREE YEARS LONG. Short version is that we went from a lease-to-own on our vehicle…and then Chase NEVER sent us the title (or, they claim they did? But it never arrived? For three years?).

I finally got someone at their “Executive Office” to give me a tracking number for the documents, which I only got after filing a CFPB complaint and demanding my money back for the vehicle. When I asked, “So there are no repercussions for your bank for making it impossible for me to register my vehicle for three years?” she replied, “Nope.”

I’ll get my title paperwork eventually (maybe), but in the meantime I’m moving forward and speaking with a class action suit attorney, as I have heard from a solid handful of folks across the U.S. that I’m not the only person with this problem.

Amazing. All these years and Chase still does stuff like this. We hope you are able to take them to task over this.