Tell the Fed about your loan-mod or foreclosure nightmare
The Federal Reserve (Chase’s federal banking regulator) announced today that it is investigating the current foreclosure mess.
Now would be a very good time to submit your Chase loan modification or foreclosure nightmare story to the Fed, here.
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By Rhonda Arellano, November 9, 2010 @ 3:57 pm
I had a loan mod offer and it raised my payment 1,164.00 more a month. So I decided to go get a loan audit done on my home and can you believe they found 3 different parcel numbers on my loan, this is insane.
By Alessandro Machi, November 10, 2010 @ 11:18 pm
Wow, your home mod payment went up? Were you allowed to refuse the mod? That is just insane.
By Alessandro Machi, November 13, 2010 @ 10:56 am
Here is another Fed Link option that may be useful as well.