Chase would rather sue than settle

I guess Chase just can’t be counted on to be reasonable?

James Shaw of Parsippany, who is being sued by Chase Bank, fits into two of those categories. Shaw, a former landscaper, suffered a hip injury and has been unemployed for three years.

He said he received unemployment compensation “on and off.” Finding it “tough to pay the bills,” he charged expenses to his credit card.

Later, he used what money he had to stay in his home and pay for necessities such as heat and electricity. The credit card payments had to take a back seat.

Eventually, Chase said he owed $17,784, and took him to court in July. Shaw, who is representing himself in the case, filed a response asking that the suit be dismissed.

“I’ve been trying to negotiate a settlement with them, but the amount of payment they’re looking for is more than I can afford at this time,” said Shaw, who recently had hip replacement surgery. His situation is at an impasse.

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