Another Chase loan mod story. It’s not good.

The story goes like this:

1. Woman applies for a loan modification

2. Is approved for a trial mod

3. Is then told she is approved for a permanent modification.  The verbal approval confirmation goes on for three months as she religiously calls in multiple times every week to check on status and see if they need additional information.  Every time she talks to someone during this period, they confirm, she has been approved for a loan modification.

4. Then one day she calls and is told she has been denied.  Not only that, that she must now pay all together on one lump sum everything she has missed for the last 6-7 months.  She won’t actually be getting a denial letter in the mail, just a foreclosure notice.

5. Have a nice day.

My question for Chase is, why be dishonest like this?  Do they simply not have a clue, or is this some type of malicious game to extract more money before foreclosure?  These are peoples lives and homes here, and many of them were duped into the unmanageable loans they have (by WaMu), according to the recent Senate investigations.

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