Chase not giving good advice?

I am not going to argue that the person who wrote this complaint is the most articulate and logical person in the world, but their point is a frequent one with Chase; Many of the people at Chase simply don’t know what they are talking about and often make up arbitrary rules.

In this case, the customer went into a Chase branch to get $27,000 in cashiers checks, and because he has some concern about the party he was about to do the transaction with, he asked to speak with the branch manager (but was given the assistant branch manager) and specifically asked what needed to be done if he wanted to cancel the cashiers checks.  The (assistant) branch manager told him with authority that he need simply bring in the check stubs and they could invalidate them.

As it turns out, his concern about the other party were correct and he want to the branch to cancel the cashiers checks.  He was told to take a hike.

Now, canceling cashiers checks in the fashion sounds like something that wouldn’t be allowed, but why then would the (assistant) branch manager tell him that?

1 Comment

  • By coakl, January 11, 2011 @ 3:32 pm

    You can definitely stop payment on cashier’s checks. But if you read the complaint carefully, you’ll see that the cashier’s checks were already paid (“…some other people that cashed all my live savings…”). There’s nothing the bank can do.

    The real responsibility lies with the person who fell for whatever scam was involved. Remember, he was the one who withdrew the money as cashier’s checks and handed them to the fraudsters.

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